Sideswipe Accidents in Connecticut: Who’s At Fault?

At Michael Chambers Law, we have extensive experience representing victims of sideswipe accidents in Connecticut. As a personal injury attorney, I’ve seen firsthand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these collisions can take on individuals and families.

In this article, we’ll delve into the causes, impacts, and legal implications of sideswipe accidents and discuss how our firm can help you navigate the aftermath of such an event.

Understanding Sideswipe Accidents

Sideswipe accidents occur when the sides of two vehicles, traveling in the same or opposite direction, collide. These accidents are often referred to as “blind spot accidents” because they frequently happen when one vehicle is in the other’s blind spot. Common causes include distracted driving, improper lane changes, failure to yield when merging, and impaired driving.

While some sideswipe collisions result in minor damage like scrapes and dents, others can be catastrophic, especially when they occur at high speeds. The impact can cause drivers to lose control, leading to multi-vehicle pileups, rollovers, and collisions with roadside objects. Even seemingly minor sideswipes can cause serious injuries like whiplash, concussions, and spinal cord damage.

For more information, come and see how a Waterbury car accident lawyer can bring those responsible for the accident to justice


Determining Fault in Connecticut

Connecticut sigue un regla de negligencia comparativa modificada, meaning you can recover damages as long as you are less than 51% at fault for the accident. Your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. So, if you are found 30% responsible and awarded $100,000 in damages, you would receive $70,000.

Proving fault in sideswipe accidents can be challenging, especially when both drivers claim the other drifted into their lane. Police reports, witness statements, and accident reconstruction can help establish negligence. The driver who failed to maintain their lane is typically found at fault, but if the other driver was distracted, impaired, or driving recklessly, they may share liability.

Conductores distraídos

When another driver violates the rules of the road, they are at fault and should pay for any damages the accident caused. On the roads today, one leading cause of accidents – including sideswipes – is distracted driving. When a driver is not paying attention, they can easily drift out of their intended lane, sometimes crashing into the side of a vehicle in an adjacent lane.

Un conductor está participando en Conducción distraida cuando están realizando alguna actividad que les haga desviar la atención de la carretera al conducir. Esto puede incluir cualquier cosa, desde usar teléfonos inteligentes para enviar mensajes de texto o hablar mientras se conduce hasta hablar con los pasajeros en el vehículo. Usar una pantalla en el tablero o hablar por teléfono también es una forma de conducir distraído. Cuando otro conductor se distrajo y causó un accidente en el que usted resultó herido o sufrió daños a la propiedad, usted tiene derecho a una indemnización.

Conductores ebrios

Cada día en los Estados Unidos, 28 personas mueren debido a conductores ebrios, lo que subraya el importante problema que presenta la conducción ilegal en estado de ebriedad. Todas las lesiones que ocurren debido a conducir en estado de ebriedad son 100 por ciento prevenibles, y cuando un conductor ebrio causa un accidente que lesiona a alguien o causa daños a la propiedad, es responsable de los daños resultantes.

Es posible que los conductores ebrios no permanezcan en su carril apropiado y golpeen lateralmente su vehículo, dañando su propiedad y su cuerpo. Si un oficial de policía arresta al conductor ebrio, podría imponerle una sentencia penal, pero aún así deberá emprender acciones civiles para reclamar todos los daños y perjuicios necesarios para cubrir sus pérdidas. Su abogado puede utilizar una condena por conducir ebrio como evidencia clave para probar su reclamo por lesiones, aunque usted podría prevalecer en el lado civil incluso sin una condena penal del conductor ebrio.

Conductores de camiones comerciales

Los conductores de camiones comerciales suelen ser la causa de accidentes por colisiones laterales. Los semirremolques grandes tienen grandes puntos ciegos a cada lado de sus largos remolques, y los conductores deben saber cómo verificar adecuadamente los puntos ciegos antes de cambiar de carril o realizar otras maniobras en la carretera. Ver un camión grande entrar en su carril y chocar con su automóvil más pequeño puede ser aterrador, y este tipo de choque es muy común en las carreteras.

Hay muchas razones por las que los conductores de camiones pueden provocar un choque lateral, incluida la conducción distraída, la conducción en estado de ebriedad, la conducción fatigada y más. Su abogado de accidentes automovilísticos puede ayudarlo a determinar si el camionero y la compañía de transporte pueden ser responsables de sus pérdidas.

Steps to Take After a Sideswipe Accident

If you’re involved in a sideswipe accident in Connecticut, knowing what to do after a car accident that wasn’t your fault is vital:

  1. Prioritize safety and gather evidence.
  2. Call 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance if needed.
  3. Even if you feel fine, get checked out by a medical professional, as some injuries may have delayed symptoms.
  4. Document the scene by taking photos of vehicle damage, road conditions, and visible injuries.
  5. Collect the other driver’s contact and insurance information and get witnesses’ statements. This evidence can be crucial when filing an insurance claim or pursuing legal action.
  6. Get in touch with a personal injury law firm

For information on how a Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Hartford may be able to file a claim against the at-fault party, get in touch today for a free consultation


Recuperarse completamente de sus pérdidas después de un golpe lateral

Damages After Sideswipe AccidentCollecting full compensation following a sideswipe car accident depends on the accurate calculation of the impact of your injuries on your ability to work and enjoy your personal life in the time following the accident. Your medical costs are not limited to what you have to pay the emergency room for your immediate medical care following the collision.

Gastos médicos include any follow-up treatment, rehabilitation, medication, and other measures that might be necessary for you to fully recover from your injuries. Knowing what you will need in the future can require additional medical opinions after you receive emergency medical care, and your local car accident attorney will know how to identify all expenses that qualify for compensation.

You can also qualify for future medical expenses if your injuries are permanent or will require additional care once your claim resolves. Often, medical experts need to prove your estimated future costs, and your lawyer can obtain these expert opinions when necessary.

You can also recover for any wages you lost during your recovery – even if you only missed a week or two of work. If your injuries are so severe that you cannot return to earning what you did before the crash, you can also seek damages for future lost earnings.

Knowing what you will lose in earnings in the future requires the opinion of an occupational expert. An occupational expert considers how your symptoms in both the short and long term will impact your ability to work and support your family.

Cuando no puede volver a trabajar debido a una lesión, puede solicitar una compensación para cubrir los salarios perdidos durante su vida laboral. Si no puede regresar a un trabajo que le pague tan bien como antes de su lesión, la compensación que merece será igual a la pérdida de ingresos que experimente cada año hasta el final de su vida laboral.

In addition to the above financial losses, sideswipe collision victims can also seek compensation for intangible (or non-economic) losses.

Estos pueden incluir:

  • Dolor y sufrimiento físico
  • Trauma mental
  • Pérdida del disfrute de la vida.
  • Desfiguración o discapacidad permanente

These calculations are all complex and might require expert opinions, and your car accident attorney can collect them then apply them in your case to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Lectura adicional: Acuerdo promedio por accidente automovilístico en Connecticut

The Role of a Personal Injury Attorney

Sideswipe accident victims often face mounting medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repair costs. Insurance companies may try to minimize your claim or shift blame to avoid paying out. This is where having an experienced personal injury attorney like those at Michael Chambers Law can make a difference. We can handle communication with the insurers, gather evidence to support your claim and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

When we take on your case, we conduct a thorough investigation to determine liability and assess the full extent of your damages. We consult with medical experts, accident reconstructionists, and financial professionals to build a strong case on your behalf. We aim to secure compensation for your current and future medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and any other applicable damages.

We understand that the thought of a lengthy legal battle can be overwhelming when you’re focusing on recovery. That’s why we handle all aspects of your claim, from paperwork to negotiations. We are prepared to take your case to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached.
Contact Michael Chambers Law

If you or a loved one has been injured in a sideswipe accident in Connecticut, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Michael Chambers Law for a free consultation. We work on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no fees unless we win your case. Let us use our knowledge, resources, and dedication to help you get back on the road to recovery.

Call us today at 860-231-9535 or visit our office at 2 Congress Street, Hartford, CT 06114. We’re here to be your advocates and guide you through this challenging time.

Somos Expertos en Lesiones Personales, Derecho Inmobiliario y Defensa Penal

Nuestro diverso equipo legal tiene años de experiencia trabajando dentro y fuera de los tribunales de Hartford, New Britain, Enfield, Manchester, Rockville y New Haven con clientes de todos los orígenes, etnias y edades. Nos enfocamos en lesiones personales, derecho inmobiliario y defensa penal, pero hemos manejado casos de todo tipo. Estaremos encantados de discutir su caso con usted para ver si encajamos.

Lesiones personales

Derecho Inmobiliario

Defensa Penal
