Car Accident Statistics for Hartford
Being in a car accident can put your entire life on hold as you take care of repairs to your vehicle and handle any medical issues and injuries that might arise from the accident. If you have been in a motor vehicle accident in Hartford, a personal injury attorney with a car accident practice can help. Below, we’ll explore car accident statistics in Hartford, common causes of accidents, and how a car accident attorney can help with your case. If you suffered injuries in a crash already, please reach out to a local car accident attorney to discuss options on how to make the most of your case.
Fatal Car Accidents in Hartford
Hartford Roads are Accident-Prone as are the Local Drivers
Connecticut is a state in which driving is essential, and there are nearly three million registered vehicles in the state with a population of three and a half million. That is plenty of vehicles on the road, and the Connecticut Department of Transportation notes that with this many vehicles, there were about 111,609 crashes last year alone.
The following accidents took place in the Hartford area in one year:
- 15 fatal crashes involving 25 vehicles
- 10 alcohol-related crashes
- Four pedestrian fatalities
Hartford is home to many young people, college students, and also bars, and nightlife. Accidents are common in the area, and knowing when the other driver was at fault in such congested traffic requires a careful investigation. Your Hartford car accident attorney has worked on many similar accident claims and knows what questions to ask and what evidence to request to prove your case.
When Someone Else Causes an Accident and Injury, the Law Entitles You to Compensation
Being in an accident and suffering injury when someone else is negligent entitles you to compensation in the form of damages. Your damages should cover the cost of any medical bills, lost earnings related to the injury, property damages, and sometimes, other options like pain and suffering. Given that many drivers are engaging in distracted driving or other negligence while on the road, get an attorney on your side who knows what questions to ask and what evidence to collect to determine how the other driver or parties are at fault.
Distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes in modern society, and it is anything that takes your attention off of the road, including talking to passengers, texting or talking on a cell phone, or even using the in-dash display or radio. It is difficult for you to know what the other driver was doing in their vehicle in the moments leading up to the accident, as you were driving responsibly and watching the road. Your attorney can help you collect the evidence you need to demonstrate that the other driver was negligent and liable for your damages.
The Insurance Companies Do Not Work for You
After your accident, when you are trying to collect your damages from the driver or other parties who caused the accident, you will be dealing with their insurance company. While you might think that insurance companies exist to pay out on legitimate claims that people make, this is not necessarily the case.
Insurance companies are for-profit businesses, and like any business, they generate a profit by making the most of revenues while minimizing costs. Revenues for an insurance company are the premiums they collect from their customers, while their costs are what they pay out in claims. Insurance companies will deny claims whenever possible and reduce the amount they pay out on claims that are approved so they can maximize their profits.
To insurance companies, you are just a number, and in terms of how much they pay you, they like to keep that number as low as possible. If they denied your insurance claim or you received an offer that won’t cover your expenses, an attorney can help you make the most of your damages while minimizing the stress you experience in doing so.
Your Car Accident Attorney Negotiates for You

Michael L. Chambers Jr., Auto Accident Lawyer
The insurance company is not on your side, nor are any insurance company adjusters or attorneys trying to settle your claim. Hiring your own attorney evens out the playing field so that you have someone on your side with experience who can go against the full-time insurance claim adjusters and their lawyers who work to reduce and deny whatever claims they can.
While you recover from an injury and get over your accident, you might lack the time to carefully review any settlement offers you receive and might not want to deal with the insurance company’s phone calls and requests for evidence.
With an attorney, you don’t have to. Your attorney steps into your corner and takes over all negotiations and communications with the insurance company, so you can focus on recovering from your accident while your attorney focuses on making the most of your damages.
Car Accident Attorneys Sometimes Charge Nothing Up Front
If you were in an accident that someone else caused and suffered an injury, you deserve damages, and your car accident attorney might not be as expensive as you think. Many people worry that they cannot afford to hire a lawyer, so they don’t reach out to one, and as a result, often recover much less in damages than they deserve.
In the case of car accidents, your attorney should work on contingency, which means that you pay nothing out-of-pocket, and your attorney collects payment if they win in your case, as a percentage of the amount they earn for you. This means that your attorney is motivated to make the most possible for you, as their compensation depends upon it.
Reach out to a Hartford motor vehicle accident attorney now to discuss your case and learn your options. You don’t need to pay an attorney anything until you sign contracts and agreements, so reach out and ask questions. You might be surprised how friendly your attorney is and how easy they can help you move through the process of getting compensation.